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Hunters are closely related to the Neanderthal

The Soul of the American Hunter

Thanks to the asinine behavior of two Neanderthal hunters, one deer hunter shot and killed another hunter in Sebago, Maine, Saturday afternoon.

The lucky deer escaped with its life, though a posse of drunken, camouflaged killers have vowed to take revenge and track down and slay the offending animal.

Nothing pleases me more than to see hunters “harvesting” their own kind. It’s kind of like the laws of nature reversed and the hunters become the hunted. One less hunter means more harmless animals get to live to see another day.

Here’s the story as reported by the Associated Press —

SEBAGO — The Maine Warden Service says a hunter died from a gunshot wound as a result of a hunting incident in Sebago.

Wardens say 46-year-old Peter Kolofsky of Sebago was wearing hunter orange when he was shot Saturday afternoon. He died at the scene.

Officials identify the person who shot Kolofsky as 61-year-old William Briggs of Windham.

Both men were deer hunting in Sebago, but they were not hunting in the same parties.

Wardens are investigating at the scene. No summonses or charges have been filed, as the investigation continues.

PS – I am sorry if any close friends or family members have found my post. My intention was not to add to the grief you must feel. Clearly, I think that hunting is an evil enterprise and one that should be outlawed. It is cruel and unnecessary. Unfortunately, the cruelty often hurts those involved in this so-called “sport.” I am sorry for your loss.

In case you missed it, here are some of Rake’s “Best of Anti-hunting” stories:

Thanks to OSHA, gun powder company takes two right between the eyes.

A “pheasant” surprise: hunter shoots fellow hunter.

Got a hunter in the cross-hairs? Pull the trigger!

Hunter kills himself, deer survives.

Arizona father punished for teaching eight year old son how to hunt.

Turkeys 2, Hunters 0.

“Harvesting” hunters stranded in Arizona snow storm.