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Valentine Bonnaire is a sometime commentator here at A Rake’s Progress. Today I went over to look around and found her posting from April 1, 2008, simply breathtaking in substance and style.

She raises those broader, metaphysical questions that get lost while we fuss over superdelegates and who threw the last racial slur.

Read this:

What we have now is a split between the moneyed heartless class and the full-of-heart underclass, with the great empty vast sinkhole of what used to be the middle.  This crosses any color lines that may have been drawn in the past.  The top end of the Baby Boom is the most selfish, crappiest generation that has ever existed.  They are immoral.  It’s disgusting to watch how they operate.

The middle had always aspired to be charitable in the past.

Baby Boom Robber Barons have destroyed that.

They have done nothing to give back to their own country.  They have outsourced the United States just so they can profit because they are so greedy.  You know where to find it?  The new feudal lords?  America’s corporations.

Valentine mines these topics slowly, in the dark, helmet light on, lest the entire tunnel collapses.

Consider this:

Who told you that you needed to inject botox into your face?  Was it the media?  Was it a magazine?  Or was it a matronly maven?

Who told you to get breast implants?   Who makes the implants?  Which kind of plastic surgeons make billions off of women and their teenage daughters?

Who dispenses the Viagra?  Where did the flaccidity come from?

To think we don’t even want to think about the damned flaccidity and where it comes from. But we should.

Go read Valentine. She’s a trip you will want to tell your friends and enemies about. They should all be forewarned.